
Still have questions?

Please reach out by email or phone to get the information you need to decide what is best for your situation or family.

I am ready to listen and help you determine whether my particular services or someone or something else might be better suited to support you with your need(s).

I look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions or providing information to assist you in the direction of your goal(s). Even if you decide not to reach out today, I sincerely hope you will permit yourself to get the support you deserve and call when you are ready. A relative gave me a plaque many moons ago when I was facing a mountain in my life.

The words?

“When life brings you mountains, go hiking!”

That reminds me that we can keep moving each day, one step at a time. It comforted me to be reminded: we cannot fail as long as we don’t give up!

Reach out when you are ready to take one more step toward YOUR goal!

I welcome the opportunity to get to know you, and I do not view what has happened to you to be who you are. Painful experiences may have happened to you, but they do not define your character or your goals. Only you get to do that!

It is rewarding to support you in your journey toward your healthiest life! I welcome the privilege of helping you through your journey toward a healthier life!

Email or call for a complimentary 15-minute consultation: (281) 900-8040.

Thank you for visiting my website. My 15+ years of work as a scientist and therapist have persuaded me that there is nothing new under the sun.

You may feel alone or as if your story is too horrible, embarrassing, or painful to share. You are not the first one, and you won’t be the last, to share a common experience that has happened to others as well – although you may be the only one you know who experienced it. You are a unique individual, but the challenges we face are common to all humans.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: (281) 900-8040

Email: or

It is also important to note that I cannot respond immediately to all calls and emails. So, IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY.